Tiffany Stone Sphere #6732

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Tiffany Stone Sphere, 4.4 inches in diameter.

A purple, lavender, white stone sometimes with patches of mauve, yellowish-brown and black is found in beryllium ore (Bertrandite).  It is mined in western Utah in the Topaz-Spor Mountains. It fluoresces bright green under short wave uv light.  It channels positive energy.

Always a challenge to sphere because of the numerous different minerals, when it works up like this sphere, it is amazing.  This sphere does have pits and areas that did not polish.  Its absolute size and coloring makes this an incredible sphere.

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Tiffany Stone Sphere, 4.4 inches in diameter.

A purple, lavender, white stone sometimes with patches of mauve, yellowish-brown and black is found in beryllium ore (Bertrandite).  It is mined in western Utah in the Topaz-Spor Mountains. It fluoresces bright green under short wave uv light.  It channels positive energy.

Always a challenge to sphere because of the numerous different minerals, when it works up like this sphere, it is amazing.  This sphere does have pits and areas that did not polish.  Its absolute size and coloring makes this an incredible sphere.

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